Monday, December 10, 2012

Thank you, Liz Smith!

 Liz Smith, Columnist for The Huffington Post Entertainment has recommended A Letter to My Dog!

"So now I want to show you a book of photos and love letters from A Letter to My Dog: Notes to Our Best Friends with photos by Robin Layton and it is a handsome little Christmas gift for those of you who dote on dogs. And you are legion. Here are just a few pictures by Robin with love letters from Tony Bennett to "Happy"... Kristin Chenoweth to "Maddie"... Fran Drescher to "Esther"... Hilary Duff to "DuBois"... Chelsea Handler to "Chunk"... Mariel Hemingway to Bindu"... Kathy Najimy to "Princess and Petie"... Rosie O'Donnell to "Missy"... Tatum O'Neal to "Mr. Pickle"....Tyler Perry to "Aldo, Peter, Paul and Mary"... Kelly Preston to "Bear"... Robin Roberts to "KJ"... Oprah Winfrey to "Sadie and Luke"... Cynthia McFadden to "Sparky" and so many others.  Buy this book and contribute to the Humane Society of the U.S.  Or contact the award-winning Ms. Layton at Chronicle Books. THIS IS A REAL MUST FOR YOUR DOG LOVER FRIENDS AT CHRISTMAS!"